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kings of sicily in Chinese

How to pronounce "kings of sicily""kings of sicily" in a sentence

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  • 西西里君主


  • I heard the eight chanters of the king of sicily start high mass at seven in the sainte - chapelle
    西西里国王那八名唱诗班童子,在圣小教堂唱七点钟大弥撒,我赶上听了第一节哩。 ”
  • “ and was it just for the sake of employing these rascally chanters of the king of sicily that he did that
    “国王搞这名堂,正是为了雇用西西里国王的这个该死的唱诗班! ”窗下人群中有个老太婆尖声厉气地喊道, “我向大家讨教讨教!

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What is the meaning of kings of sicily in Chinese and how to say kings of sicily in Chinese? kings of sicily Chinese meaning, kings of sicily的中文kings of sicily的中文kings of sicily的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.